best fruits for weight loss

best fruits for weight loss

best fruits for weight loss

 Many fruits are low in calories but high in fiber, which can aid weight loss. Certain fruits, including apples, berries, and melons, can also increase feelings of fullness. 

 Fruits are ready-to-eat snacks packed with vitamins, fiber and other nutrients that support  healthy eating. 

 Fruit is often low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you lose weight. 

  In fact,  fruit consumption helps to reduce body weight and reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease (1, 2, 3). Here are the 11  best fruits to eat for weight loss.  1. Grapefruit 

 Grapefruit is a hybrid between grapefruit and  orange and is often associated with diet and weight loss.  

 Half a grapefruit, or 123 grams (g), has only 37 calories but provides 51% of the daily value (DV)  of vitamin C. The red varieties also provide a small amount of vitamin A (4). Additionally, grapefruit has a low glycemic index (GI), which means it releases sugar into your bloodstream more slowly. A low GI diet may promote weight loss and weight maintenance, although evidence is limited (5, 6, 7). 

 Interestingly, a recent study found that consuming grapefruit helped reduce body fat, waist circumference, and blood pressure compared to a control group (8). 

 Additionally, grapefruit is high in naringenin, a  flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may protect against diabetes and heart disease (9, 10, 11). 

 Although grapefruit can be eaten on its own, it is also  a great addition to salads and other dishes.  2. Apples 

 Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, with 116 calories and 5.4 g of fiber per large  (223 g) (12). 

 They have also been found to aid weight loss. 

  In a 2008 study, women were fed three apples, three pears, or three oatmeal cookies—with the same calorie value—every day for 10 weeks (13). 

 The apple group lost 2.1 pounds (lb) or 0.93 kilograms (kg) and the pear group lost 1.6 lb (0.84 kg), while the weight of the oat group was unchanged (13). Additionally, an observational study in 124,086 people determined that those who ate apples lost an average of 0.56 kg (1.24 lb) per daily serving over a 4-year period (14). 

 Research shows that eating apples  whole - rather than juicing - to reduce hunger and cravings (15, 16). 

 That said, two older studies linked apple juice with reduced body fat compared to a control drink with the same amount of calories. Apple polyphenol extracts — made from one of the fruit's natural compounds — have also been linked to improved levels of HDL (good) cholesterol  and reduced inflammation (17, 18, 19). 

 Apples can be eaten cooked or raw in a variety of ways. Try adding them to hot and cold cereals, yogurts, stews and salads, or cook them yourself. 3. Berries 

 Berries are a low-calorie source of nutrients. 

 For example, one cup (123 g) of raspberries has only 64 calories but provides 36% of the DV for vitamin C and manganese, as well as 12% for vitamin K (20). 

 One cup (152 g) of strawberries contains less than 50 calories and provides 3 g of  fiber, along with 99% of the DV for vitamin C and 26% for manganese (21). Berries have also been shown to be filling. One small study found that people who were given a 65-calorie berry snack ate less food at the next meal than those given candy with the same number of calories (22). 

 Additionally, eating berries may help lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and reduce inflammation, which may be especially helpful for people who are overweight (23, 24). 

 Fresh or frozen berries can be added to cereal or yogurt for breakfast, mixed into healthy smoothies, mixed into baked goods or mixed into salads. 4. nuts 


 Stone fruits, also known as nuts, are a group of seasonal fruits that have a fleshy outer skin and a stone or seed inside. These include peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots. 

 Ice fruits are low GI, low in calories, and packed with nutrients like vitamins C and A, making them perfect for those trying to lose weight (5). 

 For example, one medium peach (150 g) contains 58 calories, while one cup (138 g) of cherries provides 87 calories and two small plums (132 g) or four apricots (140 g) contain less. more than 70 calories (25). , 26, 27, 28). 

 Compared to packaged snacks like chips or cookies, iced fruit is a more nutrient-dense option.  Stone fruit can be eaten fresh, chopped into fruit salads, mixed into  hearty porridges, or even grilled or added to savory dishes like stews. 

  5. Passion fruit 

 Passion fruit is native to South America, growing on vines with beautiful flowers. It has a hard outer shell — purple or yellow  — with a mass of spongy, edible seeds inside (29). 

 One purple passion fruit (18g) has only 18 calories and is a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and potassium (30). For such a small fruit, passion fruit contains a large amount of  fiber. In fact, these five  fruits provide 33% of the DV for less than 100 calories (30). 

 Fiber slows  digestion, keeps you  fuller for longer, and controls cravings (31). 

 In addition, passion fruit seeds provide piceatannol, a substance that has been linked to lower blood pressure and improved insulin sensitivity in overweight men. However, more research is needed (32). To lose weight, it is best to eat a whole passion fruit. It can be eaten on its own, used as a garnish or garnish for desserts, or added to drinks.

6. Rhubarb 

 Rhubarb is actually a vegetable, but in Europe and North America it is often prepared as a fruit. 

 Even though each stalk has only 11 calories, it still contains nearly 1 g of fiber and almost 12% of the DV for vitamin K (33). 

 In addition, rhubarb fiber can help lower high cholesterol.  

 In a 2007 study of 83 people with atherosclerosis — a disease of the arteries — who received 23 milligrams (mg) of dried rhubarb extract per pound of body weight (50 mg per kilogram) for 6 days. months had a significant reduction in cholesterol and improved vascular function (34). Rhubarb stalks can be simmered and served with your favorite porridge or  cereal. While it can be used in many ways, including in desserts, it's best to eat low-sugar rhubarb treats when trying to lose weight.  7. Kiwifruit 

 Kiwi is a small, brown fruit with bright green or yellow flesh and small black seeds. 

 Rich in nutrients, kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, folate and fiber, and has significant health benefits (35, 36). In one study, 41 people with prediabetes ate two golden kiwis daily for 12 weeks. They had higher levels of vitamin C, reduced blood pressure, and lost 1.2 inches (3.1 cm) in waist circumference (37). 

 Additional studies note that kiwi may help control blood sugar, improve cholesterol, and support gut health — all with added weight loss benefits (38, 39, 40, 41). 

 Kiwi has a low GI, so even though it contains sugar, it is released more slowly, resulting in less spikes in blood sugar (38, 42). 

 In addition, kiwi is rich in  fiber. One small peeled fruit (69 g) contains more than 2 g of fiber, while the peel alone provides an additional 1 g of  fiber (35, 43). 

 Diets high in fiber from fruits and vegetables have been shown to promote weight loss, increase satiety, and improve gut health (44). 

 Kiwi is soft, sweet, and delicious when eaten raw, peeled or unpeeled. It can also be juiced, used in salads, added to your morning cereal or used in baking. 8. melon 

 Cantaloupe is low in calories and has a high water content, making it great for weight management. 

 Just 1 cup (150–170 g) of melons, such as watermelon or watermelon, provides a modest amount of 46–61 calories (45, 46). 

 Although low in calories, cantaloupe is rich in fiber, potassium, and antioxidants, such as vitamin C (45, 46). 

 Additionally, eating fruit with a high water content can help you lose extra pounds (47). 

 However, watermelon has a high GI, so portion control is important (48). Melons can be enjoyed fresh, cubed or round to enliven fruit salads. They are also easily blended into fruit smoothies or frozen into fruit 

 9. Oranges 

 Like all citrus fruits, oranges are low in calories while rich in vitamin C and fiber. They are also very filling (49). 

 While many people drink orange juice instead of sliced ​​oranges, studies have shown that eating whole  fruit - instead of fruit juice - not only reduces hunger and lowers calorie intake, but also increases satiety (15, 50). Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, eating oranges may be better  than drinking orange juice. Fruit can be eaten on its own or added to your favorite salad or dessert.  10. Bananas 

 When trying to lose weight, some people avoid bananas due to their high sugar and calorie content. 

 Although bananas are higher in calories than many other fruits, they are also higher in nutrients, providing potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, many antioxidants, and vitamins B6 and C (51, 52, 53). Their low to moderate GI can help with blood sugar control and  weight management, especially for people with diabetes (5, 6, 7). 

 What's more, a 2014 study found that eating a banana a day lowers both blood sugar and cholesterol in people with high cholesterol (54). 

 High-quality, nutrient-dense, low-calorie foods like bananas are essential to any healthy weight control plan.  

 Bananas can be enjoyed on their own as a convenient on-the-go snack or added  raw or cooked in a  variety of dishes. 

 11. lawyer 

 Avocado is a fatty, high-calorie fruit grown in warm climates.  

 Half an avocado (100 g) contains 161 calories, making it one of the highest calorie fruits. The same amount provides 18% of the DV for vitamin K and 20% of the DV for folate (55). 

 Despite being high in calories and fat, avocados can promote weight loss.  

 In one study, 51  overweight or obese people followed a low-calorie diet,  with or without avocado, every day for 12 weeks. Both groups lost significant weight, which suggests that avocados are a smart choice for people looking to lose weight (56). 

 Other studies have shown that eating avocados can increase feelings of fullness, reduce cravings, and improve cholesterol levels (57, 58). 

 Some studies also show that eating avocados regularly can lead to better diet quality and a lower risk of heart disease (59, 60). 

 Butter can replace butter or margarine on bread and toast. You can also add them to salads, smoothies or dips.

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